Marketing On Pinterest is a social media network based on visual images. It seemed to have popped up from nowhere and suddenly is extremely popular. The essence of how it works is its members can create virutal bulletin boards where they can “pin” images they like. For example, someone who likes cooking may post images of different delicious dishes they have made or would like to make.

However, members can also pin images of products they are trying to sell or promote. The power if Pinterest is if someone likes the pin, or image someone pinned, then they can save it to different boards and track the pin for future use. Pins can be shared (which is the power of the social media aspect of Pinterest) and can ultimately help a business, product, etc go viral.

By uisng images, it can help drive traffic because people don’t have to rely purely on text to get an idea of what a product looks like or its use. Images are powerful and the right images can be shared by thousands of people in a short period of time all the while driving traffic to your website.

When considering social media marketing to promote one’s business, there is more than just Facebook and Twitter. You should consider using Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, and many more. Similar to Facebook, once someone pins an image, it shows up on their “network” of followers which again can broaden your brands exposure with very little work on your part. That’s the beauty of social media marketing!