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Power Your Pinterest Marketing With Tools

Power Your Pinterest Marketing With Tools

There are a number of popular social media websites today. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, StumbleUpon, Digg, and so on. Guess which website is the 3rd most popular social media site in the U.S.? Pinterest is the answer! They say “images speak a thousand words” which means that photos, images, graphics, etc. can be extremely Read more
5 Ways To Make Pinterest More Effective

5 Ways To Make Pinterest More Effective

Pinterest is now one of the biggest, most popular social media website on the internet today and…interestingly enough, it’s mainly due to images! However, it’s much more than just an image site. For businesses and marketers, there is now a unique opportunity to expand their marketing message in a viral way simply by choosing Read more
Pinterest Marketing For Small Businesses

Pinterest Marketing For Small Businesses

With the ever growing popularity if social media sites, even small businesses have a better chance of marketing their business than perhaps the recent past. The economy in most western countries is still relatively tenuous but small businesses can still take advantage of social media websites to help promote their products or services. In addition Read more

Marketing On Pinterest is a social media network based on visual images. It seemed to have popped up from nowhere and suddenly is extremely popular. The essence of how it works is its members can create virutal bulletin boards where they can “pin” images they like. For example, someone who likes cooking may post images of different [...] Read more